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Expression of muscarinic receptors in lung cancers was initially shown by and though effects on proliferation were not clearly determined. Ich käme mir komisch dabei vor, von dir so höflich behandelt zu werden.
Sie wandten sich im Anfang von ihm ab, nahmen ihn aber, als er selbst so weiß war wie sie, entzückt in ihre Mitte, und priesen ihn, und setzten ihn auf den besten Platz, und bedachten ihn mit Ehren und Schätzen. Da drinnen war es unheimlich. Er sah mit dem zugeknöpften langen Rocke und dem breitkrämpigen Hute beinahe wie ein riesiger Pilz aus.
Ein Dezember voller Malfoy - Es war ein Schlitten, mit vier Pferden, kleiner als die kleinsten Füllen, bespannt.
Many epithelial and endothelial cells express a cholinergic autocrine loop in which acetylcholine acts as a growth factor to stimulate cell growth. The ability of muscarinic agonists to stimulate, and M3 antagonists to inhibit tumor growth has clearly been demonstrated for lung and colon cancer. The ability of muscarinic agonists to stimulate growth has been shown for melanoma, pancreatic, breast, ovarian, prostate and brain cancers, suggesting that M3 antagonists will also inhibit growth of these tumors as well. As yet no clinical trials have proven the efficacy of M3 antagonists as cancer therapeutics, though the widespread clinical use and low toxicity of M3 antagonists support the potential role of these drugs as adjuvants to current cancer therapies. The ability of muscarinic activation to stimulate cancer growth clearly suggests that muscarinic antagonists will have the potential to inhibit lung cancer growth. The best characterized non-neuronal cholinergic autocrine loop is in lung, and elements of that loop and how they pertain to cancer are discussed below. Understanding these differences is important as it has implications for how muscarinic receptors stimulate cancer growth and how that stimulation can be potentially targeted. Because the key focus of this chapter is on muscarinic signaling in cancer, detail is provided on how these mechanisms affect cancer growth. A more general discussion of non-neuronal cholinergic signaling is in. Cholinergic signaling in neurons and bronchial epithelial cells. Key signal transduction events lead to the generation of action potentials, opening of membrane and internal ion channels, muscle contraction and kinase activation. The overwhelming majority of lung cancers derive from airway epithelial cells. Cholinergic signaling by lung cancer cells. Cholinergic signaling by lung cancer cells is similar to normal bronchial hohle frucht cells. In particular, inhibition of choline transport and muscarinic receptor antagonists offer unique advantages as discussed in Sect. Proliferation is stimulated by several hohle frucht. This activation then leads to cell proliferation as shown inand as for activation of signaling, cell growth can be inhibited by M3 antagonists. Calcium responses to muscarinic agonists and antagonists in H82 cells. Modified after As hohle frucht be seen in andthe addition of M3 antagonists inhibits kinase activation and cell proliferation, in the absence of added ligand. Hohle frucht unliganded activity is well established for G-protein coupled receptors in general and has been specifically demonstrated for the M3 muscarinic receptor. Most likely, both of these mechanisms are involved in muscarinic stimulation of lung cancer growth. As outlined inthis includes most lung cancers, pancreatic cancer and cervical cancer as analyzed by our laboratory, as well as other cancers as discussed below. Broadening the range of potentially sensitive cancers even further, we have observed that lung cancers that express M1 or M5 receptors can also be inhibited, suggesting hohle frucht these Gq-linked subtypes may also confer sensitivity to lung cancers. Subsequently, demonstrated that in airway epithelium, expression of the M3 receptor predominated. Expression of muscarinic receptors in lung cancers was initially shown by and though effects on proliferation were not clearly determined. As discussed above, Song et al. While most reports suggest that M3 receptors are most important for lung cancer proliferation, has suggested for lung fibroblasts that M2 receptors may be more important, though also support a key role for M3 receptors in mediating lung fibroblast proliferation. It is important to note that fibroblasts are not, however, the primary cell of origin for most lung cancers. Interestingly, in a preliminary observation, has suggested that M2 receptors might play an inhibitory role in the growth of lung cancers. This observation which needs further study would suggest that greater selectivity hohle frucht M3 over M2 for muscarinic antagonists used for lung cancer therapy would be desirable. Basal and squamous cell skin carcinomas are most frequent and arise from keratinocytes though rarely cause significant morbidity or mortality. Melanomas arise from melanocytes and while they represent only about 3% of skin cancer, they cause by far the majority of skin cancer morbidity and mortality. As squamous and basal cell carcinomas are treated by local curative surgery, the role of muscarinic antagonists to inhibit their growth is not likely to be clinically significant. Subsequently multiple reports have established that melanomas primarily express M3 muscarinic receptors ; ; ; ; and, critically, that M3 muscarinic receptors expression appears elevated in leading edges of tumors and in metastases. Consistent with this, have shown that Hohle frucht receptors play a role in chemotaxis of melanoma cells. This would suggest a potential for M3 antagonists hohle frucht inhibit melanoma growth or metastasis, but this remains to be determined. Merkel cell carcinomas derive from skin neuroendocrine cells and, though relatively rare, can have an aggressive clinical course. By immunohistochemistry, reported that 15 of 15 primary cutaneous cases of Merkel cell carcinoma expressed M3 and M5 receptors. Given that the proliferation of other types of neuroendocrine cells such as pulmonary neuroendocrine cells that express muscarinic receptors can be inhibited by M3 antagonists, this would suggest that muscarinic antagonists might also inhibit growth of Merkel Cell Carcinomas, but this again needs to be determined. Follow-up studies by Frucht and co-workers ; hohle frucht that the receptors were primarily M3, were increased approximately eightfold in tumor versus normal, hohle frucht that carbamylcholine stimulated proliferation of colon carcinoma cell lines expressing M3 receptors. The actual role of M3 receptors in colon cancer development was further confirmed by who showed that M3 receptor knockout mice were resistant to the development of colon tumors in the azoxymethane-induced colon neoplasia model. This suggests that M3 receptor antagonists may be useful for colon cancer treatment or chemoprevention. This observation may be clinically important since the levels of cholinesterase appear decreased in colon cancer. Consistent with this, gastric carcinomas also express muscarinic receptors. In early studies, two out of four gastric carcinoma cell lines established by Park et al. This would argue against a proliferative role for muscarinic receptors in stomach cancer. In normal pancreas, M3 receptors play a role in regulating insulin and glucagon secretion ;while M1 and M3 receptors are involved in acinar secretion. In hohle frucht examination hohle frucht pancreatic carcinoma cell lines, two out of five lines expressed muscarinic receptors, though the subtype was not identified. Similarly, nafenopin-induced pancreatic carcinomas in rats expressed muscarinic receptors that were linked to calcium mobilization, though the subtype and muscarinic effects on cell proliferation were not determined. Effects of muscarinic antagonists on pancreatic carcinoma growth have not been characterized. Similar M3-dependent stimulation of proliferation has also been observed for mouse breast cancer cell lines. Interestingly, have demonstrated that organophosphorus pesticides lead to rat mammary tumors perhaps by inhibiting cholinesterase through a muscarinic mechanism since the effect could be blocked by atropine. Studies by reported that 23 of 39 ovarian cancers studied expressed muscarinic receptors. Studies by Mayerhofer and co-workers ; have clearly demonstrated a clear cholinergic autocrine loop expressed by normal ovary. As for colon and lung, cholinergic agonists stimulate the growth of ovarian cells, which would suggest that muscarinic antagonists might have a beneficial effect in ovarian cancer. Consistent with this, expression of muscarinic receptors by ovarian cancer is associated with decreased patient survival. In normal prostate gland epithelium, M1 receptors predominate and sparse M2 receptors are found in the stroma. Neither the studies by Luthin et al. This hohle frucht that muscarinic antagonists with M3 or M3 combined with M1 selectivity might be helpful for prostate carcinoma therapy. In addition, whether there will be differences between responses of androgen-dependent and -independent prostate carcinomas remains to be determined. This was confirmed by who also demonstrated that astrocytes expressed M2, M3 and M5 receptors. These data suggest that muscarinic antagonists may have the potential to inhibit growth of both astrocytomas and neuroblastomas. Some of these approaches are clearly more promising than others. Clearly of great promise is the use of M3 muscarinic antagonists to block cancer growth. This has been demonstrated in multiple in vitro studies and in limited mouse studies as discussed above. If additional preclinical studies appear promising, then clinical trials should be considered. In addition, because of the common use of these drugs, there may be epidemiologic data that could be mined to determine if there is indeed therapeutic potential for their use as cancer therapeutics. Similarly, stimulating cholinesterase activity in the tumors would likely be highly toxic as that would also affect neuronal and muscular neurotransmission. Discussion of strategies to block kinase pathways activated by muscarinic receptors is clearly promising, but hohle frucht not unique just for muscarinic activation, since multiple factors activate the same pathways in many cancers. Inhibition of these pathways is a major area of cancer therapy development in general ; ;. Thus the near term prospects for targeting muscarinic activation of cancer growth rests with muscarinic antagonists and downstream kinase inhibitors. In summary, there are considerable data suggesting that muscarinic receptors may be therapeutically useful as an adjunct hohle frucht existing cancer therapies. The case is most compelling for M3 antagonists for lung and colon cancer; and additional studies are clearly warranted for melanoma, pancreatic, breast, ovarian, prostate and brain cancers. Identification and characterization of muscarinic receptors in cultured human pancreatic carcinoma cells. Cholinergically stimulated gastric acid secretion is mediated by M 3 and M 5 but not M 1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in mice. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors regulating cell cycle progression are expressed in human gingival keratinocytes. Characterisation of muscarinic cholinergic receptors in human ovaries, ovarian tumours and tumour cell lines. Tyrosine kinase receptors as attractive targets of cancer therapy. Acetylcholine receptor expression in Merkel cell carcinoma. Identification and characterization of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor subtypes expressed in human hohle frucht melanocytes. A rat mammary tumor model induced by the organophosphorous pesticides parathion and malathion, possibly through acetylcholinesterase inhibition. The constitutive activity of the human muscarinic M3 receptor unmasks differences in the pharmacology of anticholinergics. Acetylcholine release by human colon cancer cells mediates autocrine stimulation of cell proliferation. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. Novel signaling pathways mediating reciprocal control of keratinocyte migration and wound epithelialization through M3 and M4 muscarinic receptors. Differentiation of muscarinic cholinergic receptors in acinar carcinoma of rat pancreas. Muscarinic receptor coupling to intracellular calcium release in rat pancreatic acinar carcinoma. Acetylcholine receptors in small cell carcinomas. Cancer-associated differences in the acetylcholinesterase activity in bronchial aspirates of lung cancer patients. Clin Sci Lond 2008; 115 8 :245—253. Role of non-neuronal cholinergic system in breast cancer progression. Lethal impairment of cholinergic neurotransmission in hemicholinium-3-sensitive choline transporter knockout mice. Proc Hohle frucht Acad Sci U S A. Expression of muscarinic receptor types in the primate ovary and evidence for nonneuronal acetylcholine synthesis. Characterization of functional receptors for gastrointestinal hormones on human colon cancer cells. Human colon cancer cell proliferation mediated by the M3 muscarinic cholinergic receptor. Species differences in the concentration of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter, in whole blood and plasma. Worldwide trends in lung cancer pathology. Cholinergic stimulation of amylase secretion from pancreatic acinar cells studied with muscarinic acetylcholine receptor mutant mice. A critical role for beta cell M3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in regulating insulin release and blood glucose homeostasis in vivo. Choline phospholipid metabolism in cancer: consequences for molecular pharmaceutical interventions. Muscarinic receptor agonists and antagonists: effects on keratinocyte function. Muscarinic receptors, Handbook of experimental pharmacology. Human keratinocytes synthesize, secrete, and degrade acetylcholine. Adrenergic and cholinergic control in the biology of epidermis: physiological and clinical significance. Ringing the dinner bell for insulin: muscarinic M3 receptor activity in the control of pancreatic beta cell function. Activation of phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase by muscarinic receptors in astrocytoma cells. Acetylcholine as a mitogen: muscarinic receptor-mediated proliferation of rat astrocytes and human astrocytoma cells. Efficacy as a vector: the relative prevalence hohle frucht paucity of inverse agonism. Non-neuronal acetylcholine, a signalling molecule synthezised by surface cells of rat and man. Robbins and Cotran pathologic basis of disease. Immunohistochemical localization of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in primary and meta-static malignant melanomas. Overexpression and activation of the alpha9-nicotinic receptor during tumorigenesis in human breast epithelial cells. M3-subtype muscarinic receptor that controls intracellular calcium release and inositol phosphate accumulation in gastric parietal cells. Role of m1 receptor-G protein coupling in cell proliferation in the prostate. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. Cholinesterase activity of human lung tumours varies according to their histological classification. Muscarinic receptors mediate stimulation of human lung fibroblast proliferation. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. A non-neuronal cholinergic system of the ovarian follicle. Cholinesterase activity and enzyme components in healthy and cancerous human colorectal sections. Alterations of beta-adrenergic, muscarinic cholinergic receptors and imipramine binding sites hohle frucht human lung tumors. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol. Participation of nitric oxide synthase-derived nitric oxide. Identification and characterization of the high-affinity choline transporter. Muscarinic receptors in cell lines from hohle frucht carcinoma: negative correlation with survival of patients. Distribution of muscarinic receptor subtype M3 in melanomas and their metastases. Characteristics of cell lines established from human gastric carcinoma. Acetylcholine-induced proliferation of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts in vitro is inhibited by tiotropium bromide. Acetylcholine is an autocrine or paracrine hormone synthesized and secreted by airway bronchial epithelial cells. Selective interaction of bile acids with muscarinic receptors: a case of molecular mimicry. Activation of muscarinic receptor signaling by bile acids: physiological and medical implications. Genetic ablation of M3 muscarinic receptors attenuates murine colon epithelial cell proliferation and neoplasia. Muscarinic cholinergic receptors promote growth of human prostate cancer cells. Acetylcholine in isolated airways of rat, guinea pig, and human: species differences in role of airway mucosa. Glucocorticoids mediate reduction of epithelial acetylcholine content in the airways of rats and humans. Human prostate muscarinic receptor subtypes. Expression of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, choline acetyltransferase and lynx1 in pancreatic carcinoma. Novel Na-independent choline transporters mediate choline transport and acetylcholine induced-proliferation in small cell lung carcinoma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Acetylcholine is synthesized by and acts as hohle frucht autocrine growth factor for small cell lung carcinoma. Inhibitory regulation by M2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors is decreased in lung cancers. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. M3 muscarinic receptor antagonists inhibit small cell lung carcinoma growth and mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation induced by acetylcholine secretion. Activated cholinergic signaling provides a target in squamous cell lung carcinoma. Inhibition of lung cancer cell growth by tiotropium: mechanism of action. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Muscarinic receptors mediate phospholipase C-dependent activation of protein kinase B via Ca 2+, ErbB3, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase in 1321N1 astrocytoma cells. Growth-promoting effect of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in colon cancer cells. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. Choline transporters in human lung adenocarcinoma: expression and functional implications. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin Shanghai 2007; 39:668—674. The non-neuronal cholinergic system: an emerging drug target in the airways. Activation of muscarinic receptors by non-neuronal acetylcholine. Muscarinic receptors, Handbook of experimental pharmacology. Mammalian glial cells in culture synthesize acetylcholine. Muscarinic cholinergic receptors in developing rat lung. Regulation of pancreatic acinar cell function. Cholinergic innervation and muscarinic receptors in the human prostate. Cholinergic agonist-induced pepsinogen secretion from murine gastric chief cells is mediated by M1 and M3 muscarinic receptors. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol.
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Sie merkten auch gar nicht, was um sie her vorging; mir aber weitete das Herz sich aus, als rings um mich her alles wuchs und sproßte, knospte und so fröhlich erblühte. Denken wir nur an unsere Kindheit zurück. Björn war allein in der Hütte; er hatte die Ellbogen auf den Tisch gestützt und guckte durch das Fenster. Da schwirrten die leichten Reiter auf ihren flinken Schmetterlingen durch die Luft, bald über-, bald untereinander. Er dachte nun an seine Mutter und seine Geschwister.