Am I in a Healthy Relationship?
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This tension is unhealthy for both members of the relationship and may lead to problems in other areas of your life. Make sure your BF or GF is into you for who you are. These aren't the only questions you can ask yourself.
Accessed on: February 12, 2013. Who in the relationship decides what is healthy and what is not? After what seems like endless questions, debates and considerations, your job is still not over; you must now maintain the relationship that you worked so hard for in the first place.
Healthy Relationships - Hopefully, you and your significant other are treating each other well. In the midst of an argument, it can be difficult to find something to appreciate.
Many people unfortunately fall into the bad habit of believing and expecting that our partner is meant to be our source of all happiness, love and fulfillment in our lives. However, in a truly vibrant and healthy relationship, neither partner expects the other to be the source of all their happiness in life. Both people know and understand that they themselves are responsible for their own happiness and well-being. They each know that they are there to support and help one another, but they both know that they are ultimately responsible for themselves. Both people respect one another's differences. One doesn't try to force the other to change or be anything different then themselves. In a heathy relationship, conflicts aren't a deal breaker. Just because a conflict happens, it doesn't signal that it's time to just check out and move on to something else. Rather, the conflict is seen as an opportunity to learn and grow. Both sides openly share their feelings and views honestly and with respect. Both people share their genuine feelings with one another freely. Both partners respect and accept the other's feelings. Expressing one another's true feelings aren't repressed because both partners know that by not sharing them and that by not accepting the other person's feelings it will cause conflicts later on. Both people in the relationship understand and know that self-care is an absolutely vital component for a healthy relationship. They know that if they don't take care of themselves and do things for themselves that they will be stressed, drained, and exhausted. They know that when they don't take care of themselves, they have little love to give to their partner. In a healthy relationship, both partners are able and willing to consider their partner when making decisions. They don't just go off and plan a trip for themselves without discussing it with the other person. They make room in their lives for the other person and are willing to work together as a unit. For some of us, we can find ourselves staying in a relationship because we want some kind of security. That can be emotional, physical, financial, or whatever. In a truly healthy relationship both people want to be together because they genuinely want to be together for the sake of living a life with the other person. Security isn't a primary motivation to be in the relationship, as the motivation of genuine love runs so much deeper than the security that can be gained on a physical level. Jennifer is a self and relationship coach, writer, and spiritual teacher. She is the founder of and the creator of Ignite Love from Within: Meditations to Create Relationships and a Life Filled with Love, Her mission is to help women create loving relationships with both others and themselves. To learn about how you can work with her,.
Healthy Relationships Mini-Course by Marisa Peer
Focus on being happy with yourself, and don't take on the limbo of worrying about someone else's happiness. What is a Healthy Relationship. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor. You healthy dating relationships bad about what happens when you are together. A truly healthy relationship will consist of both partners who are interested in learning and expanding a print so that it continues to improve. Also, intense relationships can be hard for some teens. Both people share their genuine feelings with one another freely. Along the way, if you need advice, feel free to contact us. Use what you have learned to help make your next note better. Why Are Some Relationships So Difficult. The easy answer is that it looks different for every couple.