Dating and Celibacy as a Christian

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If a Christian falls into fornication and repents then I don't believe God takes away their salvation. For me and with God being my Heavenly Father, He knew it would have had to been a quick courtship. We'll see how this goes.

He went full theologian here lol. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world — how he can please his wife — and his interests are divided. I am not seen as just another sinner, not actually seen as just like you. I know God may intervene but sometimes I feel discouraged.

Select Your Language - It pained him to say it and I appreciated his honesty, but that was one of the last times we talked.

Everywhere you look, especially if you are looking at the media and entertainment markets, you are likely to run into illustrations that sex can come with or without strings. And least likely does it come with one set of permanent strings like it does for the Christian who is serious about their moral values. For a person abstaining in this kind of environment, it can be easy to feel alone. Not to mention Pinky Promise and a couple other organizations that seek to remind us that we are not exactly alone in the struggle. However, these stories are too far and few in between. And sadly, these icons and orgs. Gender gaps distort societies views on sexual relationships and the church does not go untouched. If you are a single man, so many stereotypes and biases have likely been lain upon your shoulders, that the value of celibacy may not be exactly clear anymore. And if you are a single woman, you have probably at some point wondered if celibacy was at all important to men. A lot of us agree that even as Christians, finding a celibate man that is actually dateable might as well be like shopping for a unicorn. With these thoughts in mind after my last blog post , I decided to defy the system and set out on a quest to see if men really are practicing celibacy in 2018. SHEUN: Growing up in church, I heard my whole life that waiting until marriage to have sex was the way to do things. These convictions were only strengthened through middle and high school in my youth ministry and personal relationship with God. This decision carried with me through college, and the main reason for making it was knowing God was invested and involved in my everyday life. I also think a big portion of things was looking to be involved in romantic relationships mostly with people who shared my same pursuit of sexual purity, which allowed us to have celibacy as a joint effort. SHEUN: I think the main benefit is looking to have my actions align with my relationship and standing with God. I also feel like I wanted my life to be consistent for those who I minister to, as I have been involved in ministry with youth and peers for a long time. I want to know that my life is a solid model for what purity looks like for those I am able to walk with. I also think that it limits baggage and confusion regarding commitments prior to being married that can come once sex is involved. SHEUN: I do not have set limits currently. I do participate in kissing and hugging, and also feel like not having sex makes these activities more of a struggle and intense. So, I have had difficulty in the past with trying to maintain healthy limits and self control. However, I still don't have set or written boundaries here but seek to continually access and make changes as necessary. I would say it boils down to if we believe that God ultimately knows what is best and has good things planned for us or if we just want to go off of what we selfishly desire. SHEUN: The desire is not bad, and we should be happy that he gave it to us. However, I also believe that the understanding that the desire comes from God and is not bad in and of itself, correlates directly to the belief that God should be the one who tells us how to express these desires. God is not blind to what we go through but is completely aware of our desires and wants us to trust Him. Of course, this doesn't mean it is going to be easy but I believe knowing God is loving and a good father, helps to put this in perspective. SHEUN: The desire to find women attractive is definitely natural, but as believers, we are called to know we don't have to act on every impulse. God wants us to see women as His creation and believers as our sisters. This level of value causes us to want to protect and empower women vs prowl on them. I believe that a sound understanding of our personal identity helps us to see how to treat women. ANTWAN: The decision to remain celibate until marriage came about on April 10, 2011 when I committed my life to Christ. But before I chose to practice celibacy, I was very sexual and slept with multiple women on a regular basis. Growing up in a sexualized culture and having examples who encouraged fornication shaped my mindset for a lustful lifestyle. When I learned how detrimental my actions were to me and other women, I no longer wanted to engage in sexual activity. Even more, as Christ revealed His love and truth to my life, the regenerate heart in me longed to live a life of holiness. If you struggle with this, reevaluate the pain in your life because in many cases sexual addictions have little to do with sex or sexual pleasures and more to do with a wounded soul. Now, because my fiancé and I are always in close proximity with each other, we have to set boundaries for ourselves like no kissing, which usually leads to touching. Men can sleep with whoever they want to and women are highly criticized if they do the same. But in the Kingdom, the only standard is that of Christ, which demands purity, exercised by waiting until marriage. Waiting breeds so many benefits like the ones mentioned in the question above. Also, to wait until marriage is to be a leader in a society that says otherwise. If more people led by example and unashamedly waited until marriage, we would have more united families and less babies out of wedlock. More people who are emotionally healthy and less people dealing with heartbreaks. More people closer to God and less people spiritually broken. ANTWAN: God created sex for a husband and wife to enjoy in the context of a marriage. Sex was never intended to be a bad thing. Wanting to sleep with as many women as possible is bondage, covered in lies. So this allows for kissing, but nothing beyond that. Nothing that revs the engine. TUDOR: Nobody escapes the consequences of their actions. This of course is a by product of religious thinking - which puts sin along a hierarchy - even though scripture is quite clear - all have fallen short. TUDOR: Every one is a sexual person. But, pre-marital sex is about passion and lust without the adjoining responsibility that marriage creates. Scripture is clear on that. TUDOR: He gave you desire but he ALSO gave you a spirit of self-discipline. If desire rules with reckless abandon then pleasure is God. You cannot be a hedonist and a family man. Disciplining your sexual drive is a remarkable advantage for it will allow you to maintain discipline in other areas of your life with greater ease. Furthermore, you will be preparing your heart and eyes for your wife. AARON: I first made the decision when I was about 8 years old. I have to continue to make that decision because on any day I can choose to give in. I originally made the decision not to have sex before marriage, as well as other decisions around that same time, because I wanted to avoid some of the negative outcomes that I saw happen to people that I knew. AARON: There have been a variety of ways, some healthy and some not. That covered me all the way through high school. I admit that I was a little naive. After high school things got a lot more challenging. I started doing things that attracted women, at least a few that were on my campus. I even put myself in some compromising situations with women, but GOD not only always made a way out but pushed me out. After college, I surrounded myself with believing peers and served in ministries. So I had accountability. The main reason why I never chose to have sex was because GOD has literally done miracles to preserve me and I would be a fool to get in the way of whatever He is preserving for. What do you think are some of the benefits of waiting until marriage? AARON: Much better decision making when choosing someone to pursue a relationship with, peace of mind, knowing that you are exercising self control, making yourself more available for much better relational opportunities, not being a slave to your sexual appetite, being able to not feel hypocritical pertaining to sex in leadership positions, being an example to others that one can be successfully celibate even with temptation, knowing that my self-control and obedience is glorifying GOD- I can keep going. Admittedly, sometimes my limitations are implemented reactively after going further than I felt comfortable. I think it is wisest to delay any type of physical gratification until marriage or at least a strong level of commitment. However, I think that it is healthy to show physical affection in non-sexual ways. AARON: That is how GOD created us. We all are sexual people. We are known as dogs, players, dead-beat-dads, etc. GOD created sex and it is to be used to create oneness in a marriage and to have children. Anything outside of that displeases GOD and is a detrimental distraction to you doing what GOD has purposed you to do while on Earth. AARON: The Bible says that it is better to marry than to burn with passion. If the desire is that strong, then try to find someone worth marrying first, then have sex after you get married. In the modern age, it is important that we see men not only live lives of integrity, but model it even more so than women as leaders called into that sacred position by God. But when people come to give you the bad news that you are terribly outnumbered, just remember the good news: that heaven has a wonderful way of balancing out the universe. I hope you were insanely encouraged by these interviews as am I. I loved doing this article because it shatters the stereotype that 1 men aren't celibate and 2 that celibacy looks a certain way! God can use, change, be present in anyone 1 Sam. You don't have to be corny or undesirable or uncool- the only requirement is that you are you! Tudor had them quotes!!! I want to push this one a little bit further. I used to question whether my future wife will be that good as well, so I would try to make the old relationship work, even when I knew there was zero chance of it ever becoming anything more than a failed relationship. Both male and female have made dumb decisions over how good someone else made our body parts feel. You cannot be a hedonist and a family man. He went full theologian here lol. But, what is natural is not the justification for what is right. Not for me anyway. Why is it not hard? I know people are watching me. Closer to the time was definitely the hardest. That first year of stopping was killer. My body remembered hers Muscle memory works down there too lol. Probably a little too well lol. We are designed well. It will be a beautiful thing when married though. Rather, I was in a relationship with my then-girlfriend. I felt very convicted and had to stop the relationship ended months later for other reasons. Sounded like a grand plan to me. Meet a boy, marry the boy, give him something no one has ever had, have a family and make God proud because you did it the right way. Well that plan got a little distorted when I met Kendrick in 2008. I had just moved to DC to attend college at the illustrious Howard University but was on a home visit back… Recently, I went from a fabulous brunette to a blonde bombshell. I had been wanting to make the switch for years now so needless to say, I was very excited that the time had come. As many of you know from my Instagram post, the appointment was not exactly the pleasure bucket I was expecting. Here are the 5 things I learned about business from getting my hair done:.

Why abstinence kills your dating life...
I had been wanting to make the switch for years now so needless to say, I was very servile that the time had come. There are many people that go to church and are not truly following Him. I will never understand men. I honestly do care for him and don't want to lose him but I don't want to lose myself either. Its responsible its become the norm. Of course and a bunch of other people who would be surprised to find out that they may not be true Christians. Instead, it's a large part of your identity. He's even willing to marry quickly because he cant wait.